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Do you want to add some interesting ringtones to your mobile phones or for fun. 

Free ringtone maker is an software by this software you can create your favorite ringtone from MP3, WMA, WAV, audio CD and other audio files. It also supports many output formats. Input your favorite song and it will display in waveform and then you just need to choose, edit and output the part you want. You can preset the output quality of the target format for various mobile phones & if you want, adding cool effects to your ringtones is supported. The whole process does not take you more than 3 minutes. When you finish the creation, just click the "Find Target" button and the output ringtone will be found....


  • Create ringtones from audio files and audio CDs with unlimited size
  • Add files conveniently with drag-and-drop simplicity
  • Set the ringtone duration and create it precisely to the millisecond to the millisecond
  • Audio effects like fade-in, fade-out, echo, normalizing & amplifying provided
  • Trim an audio file to retain the desired segment and convert it to ringtone
  • Preview added audio file with the built-in player before output
  • Detailed output presets & configuration setting
  • Process large-size data with no size limitation
  • Concise and user-friendly interface to simplify your ringtone making experience
  • Completely free to use..

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  1. Thank u for sharing. Great article.
